Attain Success with Compassion and Mindful business leadership

Feminine Wisdomrising
3 min readJan 30, 2021

Everyday life, home and workplace bustles with energetic activity and stressful moments. Women have to face moments of antagonism, rivalry, tension and tough competition at work but they don’t have to fear because they are capable of leading a pack independently. They can relish each activity and face it without passing any judgment by living for the moment. What is the best way to deal with this fast paced environment? Brace yourselves and learn the art of conscious and mindful living to improve corporate and interpersonal relations!

Staying unbiased and non-judgemental in businesses is tough but definitely not impossible. These form the foundations of good working relationships. There is no doubt that it is not easy being a successful leader. But you can change this thought process of losing the battle by facing challenges head on. You are a born winner and can practice mindful business leadership by honing your understanding and compassionate nature.

Workplaces face a number of challenges and problems but an empathetic mindful leader can be sympathetic, clear and rational while tackling them. A creative and focussed approach is the need of the hour because co-workers can lose morale anytime. The workload may be immense but it can be organised well if the colleagues stay in good spirits. Productivity targets can be achieved under the expertise of a good leader. Keep the stresses low and the spirits high at all times so that the place of business is an exciting spot to head to every morning.

Women have the power to bring about change, so stay calm and composed with help of practical mind controlling techniques. Be a class apart and set an example for the others. Nurture your own soul and the souls of your colleagues by mindfully interacting and living through each moment of the present. It’s time to be conscious of your actions and work on every aspect of life with interest, compassion, love, honesty and integrity.

The research about mindful business leadership is on and it is a new field but it can change you become a better and more understanding leader of your team! Be receptive to all the external stimuli you receive and welcome all the experiences you can gather from the events happening around you in the present.

Many incidents we go through do not need an action and are just informative in nature. They lay the foundation for future actions. All of us have to be mindful and conscious of our actions in the work, society and home settings. Understand them and establish an enriched and warm relation with your management team and other business colleagues. Decrease stress and be a good leader by setting examples.

A conscious focus on the present moment is the priority but at the same time extra efforts to reach the targets have to be made happily. Notice everything happening around you and develop a strong intuition. Don’t judge or evaluate an incident based on past incidents. Remember you are in the “Now”, you are here in the present! The past needs to be the tutor and shouldn’t be carried as a baggage similarly the future should be greeted warmly and not feared! Live for the moment consciously.



Feminine Wisdomrising

Feminine Wisdom Rising offers inpowerment coaching, transformational life coaching, leadership coaching, executive coaching, masterminds